Ready. Set. GO!

Thank you for choosing to Partner with Bookafy!

To get started, let's book a call to go over all of the particulars. During the call we will go through the steps below... but you can do them yourself before the call as well.

Whitelabel online appointment scheduling - next steps | bookafy

Your Domain Settings:

Below we will walk through the steps of getting a WL setup. Much of this we will go over on the call.

Whitelabel online appointment scheduling - next steps | bookafy

1.Point your URL to our Server.
In this step, we are going to point your "subdomain" URL to our server IP Address. You will host your primary domain for a marketing page, but the subdomain will be managed by us.

Example... our URL is Our marketing page is built on wordpress and hosted at Kinsta. Our application is hosted on Azure at

We follow the same protocol for your domain as we do with

A. Go to your URL manager (godaddy, etc) and click to manage the DNS records.
B. Click to Add a new "A Record"
C. Add the "*" in the first field, then copy paste this IP address into the 2nd field.: This creates a wildcard subdomain.
D. Once this is done, you can check to see if your account is working by adding into the browser.

Whitelabel online appointment scheduling - next steps | bookafy

5. Email us your LOGO and Icon to
You can send a Logo with an Icon. Or Two separate files.

Whitelabel online appointment scheduling - next steps | bookafy

6. Setting up transactional Emails
Our emails are all sent through mandrill... for account set up, new appointments, cancels, reschedules, etc.

A. You need to create an email address at your White Label domain. The email account you included in the form above: info or
C. Once you have created that email, let us know so we can verify. We can do this on the call as well.
D. Adding Text records to your DNS manager (You will add 1 SPF verification and one DKIM.)

SPF Record: @ points to: v=spf1 ?all
DKIM Record: Field One: mandrill._domainkey. points to: v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCrLHiExVd55zd/IQ/J/mRwSRMAocV/hMB3jXwaHH36d9NaVynQFYV8NaWi69c1veUtRzGt7yAioXqLj7Z4TeEUoOLgrKsn8YnckGs9i3B3tVFB+Ch/4mPhXWiNfNdynHWBcPcbJ8kjEQ2U8y78dHZj1YeRXXVvWob2OaKynO8/lQIDAQAB;

Whitelabel online appointment scheduling - next steps | bookafy
Whitelabel online appointment scheduling - next steps | bookafy
White label appointment booking software
Whitelabel online appointment scheduling - next steps | bookafy

Once you have completed the steps above, our team will get started on the set up of your branded version of Bookafy. The entire process from set up to functioning White Label is typically 24-72 hours.

Thank you again for partnering with Bookafy!